The Team

Research Associate: Beatriz Moreno-García

Postdoc: Rongyun Tang

Ph.D. student (formerly Research associate): Will Richardson
Will standing in the rice field at harvest time, 2023

M.S. student: Sam Carroll

Research Analyst: Marc Gomez Prats

M.S. graduate and Research Analyst (Biological Engineering): Marguerita Leavitt

M.S./Ph.D. student (Environmental Dynamics): Riasad Bin Mahbub

Ph.D. student (Environmental Dynamics): Kabiraj Khatiwada

Kabi in a kayak

Research analyst: Jeferson Pimentel

Ph.D. student (Biological Engr.): Taiwo Osoko

Group alumni:

Postdoc: Elahe Tajfar

Postdoc: Bonan Li

Bonan Li



Research associate, 2015:
Faye Smith

 Ph.D. graduate (Biological Engineering) & group alumni: Colby Reavis

REU students, Summer 2015:
Tyler Fletcher and Dustyn Perkins
REU students

Ph.D. student: Matt Roby

Research analyst: Marret Lineberry
Photo of Marret standing next to an irrigation flowmeter






I am recruiting new team members at several levels.  If you are interested in a post-doctoral research or Ph.D. position, the links contain information about potential job announcements to read and consider. If you are interested in a masters thesis or research experience as an undergraduate, please get in touch with a description of your interests. If you are an established researcher from abroad and want a host in the US, let me know that too; we can also host appropriate graduate student scholars for 3-6 month stays if feasible. Self-funded Ph.D. students (e.g., with an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship) will be considered at any time. Students without self-funding would be expected to apply for such fellowships.

Post-doc research position description [some funds may open for this position soon; self-funded applicants may also be considered]

Ph.D. student position description

M.S. applicants can send a CV, GRE scores, transcript, and letter of interest at any time.