Beatriz Moreno-García
Beatriz is a research associate in our group, working on the use of decision support tools and field greenhouse gas, water use, and canopy observations to evaluate water-saving practices in rice fields in central-eastern Arkansas.
Postdoc, University of Arkansas, Landscape Flux Group
PhD, Universidad de Zaragoza and Centro de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria de Aragón, CITA, Spain. Response of paddy rice to fertilization with pig slurry in Mediterranean conditions.
MSc, Engineering of Chemical and Environmental Processes, King Juan Carlos University, School of Experimental Sciences and Technology, Madrid, Spain.
BSc, Environmental Sciences, King Juan Carlos University, School of Experimental Sciences and Technology, Madrid, Spain.
In 2022, Beatriz was honored as the Field to Market Trusted Advisor of the Year, highlighted here.
- Quilez D, Guillén M, Vallés M, Daudén A, Moreno-García B (2025). New Insights into Fertilisation with Animal Manure for Annual Double-Cropping Systems in Nitrate-Vulnerable Zones of Northeastern Spain. Agronomy 15, 142.
- Leavitt M, Moreno-García B, Reavis CW, Reba ML, Runkle BRK (2023) The Effect of Water Management and Ratoon Rice Cropping on Methane Emissions and Yield in Arkansas. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 356, 108652,
- Karki S, Adviento-Borbe MaA, Runkle BRK, Moreno-García B, Anders M, Reba ML (2023) Multiyear methane and nitrous oxide emissions in different irrigation management under long-term continuous rice rotation in Arkansas. Journal of Environmental Quality, 52(3) 558-572.
- Bellis ES, Hashem AA, Causey JL, Runkle BRK, Moreno-García B, Burns B, Green VS, Burcham TN, Reba ML, Huang X, Detecting intra-field variation in rice yield with UAV imagery and deep learning, Front. Plant Sci.
- Runkle BRK, Seyfferth AL, Reid MC, Limmer MA, Moreno-García B, Reavis CW, Peña J, Reba ML, Adviento-Borbe MAA, Pinson SRM, Isbell C, 2021. Socio-technical changes for sustainable rice production: rice husk amendment, conservation irrigation, and system changes, Frontiers in Agronomy, 3:741557, doi:10.3389/fagro.2021.741557.
- Moreno-García B, Coronel E, Reavis CW, Suvočarev K, Runkle BRK (2021), Environmental sustainability assessment of rice management practices using decision support tools, Journal of Cleaner Production, 128135,
- Huang X, Runkle BRK, Isbell M, Moreno-García B, McNairn H, Reba ML, Torbick N (2021), Rice inundation using polarimetric UAVSAR data, Earth and Space Science, 8(3), e2020EA001554, doi:10.1029/2020EA001554
- Carroll SR, Le KN, Moreno-García B, Runkle BRK, (2020), Simulating Soybean-rice rotation and irrigation strategies in Arkansas, USA Using APEX, Sustainability, 12, 6822, doi:10.3390/su12176822,
- Moreno-García, B., Guillén, M., Quílez, D., 2020. Greenhouse Gas Emissions as Affected by Fertilization Type (Pig Slurry vs. Mineral) and Soil Management in Mediterranean Rice Systems, Agronomy 10, 493.
- Moreno-García, B., Casterad, M., Guillén, M., Quílez, D., 2018. Agronomic and Economic Potential of Vegetation Indices for Rice N Recommendations under Organic and Mineral Fertilization in Mediterranean Regions. Remote Sensing,10 (12): 1908.
- Moreno-García, B., Guillén, M., Quílez, D. 2017. Response of paddy rice to fertilisation with pig slurry in northeast Spain: Strategies to optimise nitrogen use efficiency. Field Crops Research, 208: 44-54.
- Maris, S.C., Teira-Esmatges, M.R., Bosch-Serra, A.D., Moreno-García, B., Catalá, M.M. 2016. Effect of fertilizing with pig slurry and chicken manure on GHG emissions from Mediterranean paddies. Science of the Total Environment, 569-570: 306-320.
- Quílez, D., Moreno-García, B., Guillén, M., Casterad, M.A. 2015. Organic and mineral fertilization of rice in Aragon. (Fertilización nitrogenada orgánica y mineral del cultivo de arroz en Aragón). Vida rural, 400: 62-68.
- Pablos, C., Van Grieken, R., Marugán, J., Moreno, B. 2011. Photocatalytic inactivation of bacteria in a fixed-bed reactor: mechanistic insight by epifluorescence microscopy. Catalysis Today 161(1):133-139